Welcome New and Renewed AllerTrainers!
We can tell that 2015 is going to be a great year already! January marked two really important and exciting dates: the 2nd Annual Winter AllerTrainer Program and the one year mark for our first cohort of AllerTrainers. Welcome all new and renewed AllerTrainers! We are honored to have you on our team!
The winter’s AllerTrainer program was held in the gorgeous Primrose Studio situated up in the Reservoir Ridge Natural Area in Fort Collins, CO. The snow might have been falling outside but inside we were cozy and comfortable learning how to teach the AllerTrain™ suite of courses. As usual, the program sparked dynamic conversations related to special dietary needs and vivid real world discussions about how food allergies and Celiac disease impact people’s lives. It’s such an awesome experience for us each time we host the program and for that we are truly grateful.
One thing we know is that anyone who is willing to come to Colorado in the middle of January is definitely someone with true passion for helping those with special dietary needs and someone we want on our team! Thanks to all who attended for making this AllerTrainer Program a truly special event.
This great group of new trainers will now be able to facilitate any of the highly demanded AllerTrain™ suite of courses.
The next Certified AllerTrainer Program will be held in Fort Collins, CO on April 21st and 22nd, 2015 (Tuesday and Wednesday). If you would like to strengthen your food safety team at your brand, you won’t want to miss this date. The space is very limited and we will not be hosting another one for a while, if you are interested be sure to send Sarah an email at Sarah@MenuTrinfo.com or call 888-767-6368 for more information.