2301 within Rand Dining Hall at Vanderbilt Passed Kitchen Audits August 2018 with Kitchens with Confidence.

Vanderbilt University Dining Hall Completed Certification by Kitchens with Confidence

Fort Collins, CO  (RestaurantNews.com)  This Summer, Kitchens with Confidence™ completed an audit at Vanderbilt University. 2301, located in Rand Dining Hall on campus, aims to accommodate those with special dietary needs and is now officially certified free from the top 8 allergens.  The kitchen audit process is a comprehensive checklist of 40+ areas that are reviewed and audited with over 200 checkpoints. It aims to evaluate specific policies, procedures and operations in place for the safe preparation of foods free from gluten and the top 8 allergens.

Kitchens with Confidence™ was officially launched in 2017 as a part of MenuTrinfo®’s suite of services.